The annual Heartland Chapter Meet is a G&CICA organized event aimed at offering a regional opportunity for cast iron cookware enthusiasts to gather. The G&CICA organizes a national meeting and four regional meetings each year. Club members have been gathering in person for more than three decades at these meetings. A tremendous amount of value comes from these types of meetings.
These events provide you the opportunity to see lots and lots of cast iron and collectible cookware. These events connect you to many of the most serious collectors and traders. These events aim to educate on how to clean, how and what to collect, how to appraise, and how to identify differences in the collectibles. Only paying current club members are permitted to attend, but we are happy to treat you as a guest the first time and are able to accept membership applications during meetings. Annual membership dues are $25 for a single, $30 for two at the same address, and $10 for a student.
Our annual Heartland Chapter Meet will be September 30th & October 1st. Friday evening consists of a social hour and dinner, providing time to talk iron and catch up. Saturday will consist of multiple sessions; such as show and tell, Table topics, Chapter & club update, swap meet and a group lunch.
Friday night event details will be posted when available. Saturday’s events will be held at the hotel. Longtime club member Chris Kendall will be hosting the event. Please contact him directly to volunteer and ask specific questions..
Host Chris Kendall can be contacted at 919-710-5570.
Hampton Inn
207 S Mt. Auburn Rd
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703
Hotel website click here